Baldur’s Gate III now holds highest Metacritic score ever

Baldur's Gate III now ties Zelda Ocarina of Time for the highest Metacritic score of all time.

Baldur’s Gate III now holds highest Metacritic score ever
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Baldur's Gate III now holds the highest Metacritic score of all time

Baldur’s Gate III now ties Zelda Ocarina of Time for the top spot with a score of 97 on Metascore, following the first wave of reviews. The game has also received a user score of 93, which may change as more reviews come in.

There is some confusion about the process of becoming a critic on Metacritic, with skeptics questioning its credibility. Others joke about the requirements, mentioning the need for a website and a large following.

Despite the skepticism, many believe that Baldur's Gate III's score could potentially go up as it has received a lot of perfect reviews. Even if the score were to go down, it would still be an impressive achievement that would likely stand for a long time.

Some discussions have arisen regarding the qualifications of the critics who have reviewed the game so far. It is clarified that professional reviewers who work for magazines, websites, or game review companies qualify as critics.

There is also a debate about the difference between critic reviews and user reviews. One user points out that Breath of the Wild also has a 97 score, attributing it to the large number of user reviews the game has received. Another user expresses their personal opinion, stating that Baldur’s Gate III is one of the best RPGs of all time.

Check out some more discussion about the score below:

Personally, I’ve only spent a little time with the game so far, but I’m enjoying it. I don’t think it’s quite at the level of Torment and Tyranny, but it’s still a fantastic game that I’m glad to finally get to play. It may be getting overly praised due to the lack of other top-tier PC games this year, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive.

I’m also a big fan of the previous entries from the same developers (Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II), so that helps a lot. I also believe that it deserves an even higher score, but that’s just me.

Check out some more discussions in the replies below:

While I’m a big fan of the game, I do also believe that it’s not perfect, with the combat and party control being a bit of a weak spot.

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