How to get the Ruego Al Alba sword in Blasphemous 2

Find the location of Ruego Al Alba in Blasphemous 2 and unlock new areas, skills, and weapon upgrades.

How to get the Ruego Al Alba sword in Blasphemous 2
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

How to Find Ruego Al Alba in Blasphemous 2

Are you searching for the location of Ruego Al Alba in Blasphemous 2? You’re in the right place. This particular weapon is essential for both progression and your own personal enjoyment. Without its location, you’re stuck with the lousy Veredicto for the rest of the game.

Blasphemous 2 is already a challenging game, so why would you want to make things hard on yourself? Acquiring Ruego Al Alba opens up new areas, new skills, and even new weapon upgrades – so it’s one of the most important things you need to find in the game. We’ll guide you through the steps necessary to find the Ruego Al Alba Sword.

To obtain Ruego Al Alba, you need to possess the ability to cling to walls. Do this by completing Profundo Lamento, which is the first main story quest.

From the City of the Blessed Name, climb the chasm and head to the right. You’ll notice a new path that leads to the Grilles and Ruin area.

This area is full of enemies that can’t be defeated, so just ride a platform up to the top and take an exit to the left. You’ll end up in a forested area called the Choir of Thorns.

The Choir of Thorns is home to a number of unpredictable enemies, annoying crows, and tricky platforming. From the first Prie Dieus in the area, take consecutive right exits until reaching the Crown of Towers. There, you’ll find Ruego Al Alba.

Now that you know how to find Ruego Al Alba, you can move on to the next section of the Blasphemous 2 guide – which is unlocking the ability to upgrade your weapon. Without it, you won’t be able to do much in the demon-infested world of Abadon, so get to it.

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