Disney Lorcana Support explained

Learn how Support works in Disney Lorcana and how it can give your characters unexpected buffs as you journey through the game.

Disney Lorcana Support explained
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Support in Disney Lorcana

Support is a new mechanic recently unveiled in Disney Lorcana. It allows characters to receive aid from their allies when they quest. The strength of the supporter combines with the character they support to increase the strength of any buffs they receive.

The game’s official trailer showcased how support works. Rapunzel and Merida teamed up to take down a boss on the quest called 'The Search for the Golden Nautilus'. Rapunzel added her strength to Merida, who then aided the party in their fight against the boss. It’s unclear whether support triggers stack, but this will only be known once the official tournament rules are released. Regardless, this mechanic appears to have significant combo potential. Here’s everything we know about support so far.

How Support Works

If a character quests, they will add their strength to another character of your choice. Support only triggers when a character quests, not when they are exerted for any other reason. If a character can quest multiple times per turn, their Support trigger will activate each time, significantly increasing the buffing potential.

Support buffs given to supporters carry over to the character they support, allowing for chain support and gradual power-building. Buffing a character and readying them then allow it to quest to maximize the potential of Support triggers.

So far, we know about four characters that support each other:

  • Character 1
  • Character 2
  • Character 3
  • Character 4

It remains unclear whether Support triggers stack, and this will only be known once the official tournament rules are released.

How to Use Support

Support can be used to give a character a small boost before a challenge or to manipulate it for a massive boost. Buffing supporters can also help a character survive a particularly tough challenge, minimizing the risk of a party member falling in battle.

As more of Disney Lorcana is revealed, Support appears to have significant combo potential. With this in mind, it’s safe to say that support is a mechanic you must be aware of when playing the game. It’s not yet clear whether there’s a limit to the number of buffs a supporter can give to their supported character, but it’s likely that there is.

The same can be said for stacking support buffs on multiple party members. Either way, we’re sure that support will help you take on the many challenges ahead in Disney Lorcana.

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