Discover the best bad games that are actually good, despite their low user ratings.
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago
The best bad games that are actually fun
What are the best bad games that are actually good? We’ve all played games that have such low user ratings you’re left wondering whether you’re the only one having fun. Do you really enjoy a game so much that you stick by it despite knowing that other players don’t share your opinion? Well, you’re not alone – and the internet has come up with some great examples of cult classics with low ratings that are worth your time.
Whether it’s just one Overlord game or the entire series, there are a lot of games that have better water graphics than Skyrim but still seem to get low user ratings from some players. Some of the best bad games are even beloved by so many internet users that they’ve become known as “best bad games” – games that have cult followings despite their low ratings.
Here are some of the best bad games that are actually fun:
Two Worlds. Yes, it’s riddled with microtransactions, but it’s also got better water graphics than Skyrim. It also has a surprisingly good combat system, and while the story is a bit meh, it’s the only game where I’ve ever had to fight a boss while riding a chicken.
Dynasty Warriors. You know those games that are just mindless, turn your brain off, hack ‘n’ slash fun? Well, Dynasty Warriors games are that. While I’m not a fan of some of the later iterations, I have fond memories of playing Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 with a friend, controlling half of a controller each. Any game that can make that work is alright in my book.
Deadly Premonition. Oh, Deadly Premonition. I’ve written about my love for the game before, and I don’t think it’ll ever go away. The first game in the series is effortless weird, but the second game is a bit too much, which is why I didn’t include it. But the first game is a masterpiece, with its janky graphics and quirky story that somehow manages to win you over.
Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 is a bit of a mixed bag. Some elements of the gameplay are improved, but the story just doesn’t click with me like the previous games. Still, I’m having fun with it, and I’m sure I won’t be the only one writing about it being one of the best games on the PC when it comes to Steam.
Shadow the Hedgehog. Shadow the Hedgehog is fun, I promise. It’s not nearly as bad as its reputation.
Modern Need for Speed. I’ve written about why I love Hot Pursuit before, and plenty of other players love it too. There are also people who love Unbound, which I haven’t played myself, but I’ve heard plenty of good things.
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of The Imperfects. This is a weird one. I’m not sure why it was so poorly rated – maybe because it’s a PSP game, or maybe because it’s a tie-in game. But I and a lot of other players sank countless hours into this game and enjoyed every second of it.
Victoria 3. I’m not a fan of the third game in the series, but a lot of fans seem to be disappointed with it, so I thought I’d mention it.
Other games mentioned as enjoyable despite low ratings include:
And that’s the end of our list of the best bad games. If you’re still reading, we’d like to give you a recommendation for another great game with a bad reputation: Overlord. While its sequels are great fun, the first Overlord game (and its expansion) is an underrated classic, with unique gameplay mechanics that truly set it apart from other games. And if you’re a fan of the Overlord games, then you’ll want to read up on all the Overlord 2 codes you can use in the sequel.
Now, we’re not saying that IGN is always wrong about its video game ratings, but we do think that it’s had a few questionable ones over the years. When the Overlord series was rebooted by Triumph Studios, it was slammed by IGN, which prompted this response from the developer.
Fond memories of Marvel Heroes also prompt one user to say that they miss the game. Marvel Heroes was shut down in 2015, but a new Marvel Ultimate Alliance game is coming, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
And that’s the end of our list of the best bad games.