The best post-game content in video games

Discover the best post-game content in games like Halo: Reach, Red Dead Redemption 2, Dragon's Dogma, and more!

The best post-game content in video games
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Looking for the best post-game content?

We’ve all been there. After beating a game’s final boss, that sense of emptiness kicks in as we realise that it’s all over, and we have to wait for the next game to come out.

Thankfully, some games offer special missions or content to tide us over until the next instalment. In Halo: Reach, you can participate in an extra mission with Master Chief, while Dragon’s Dogma has a refreshing change to its post-game with new enemies, loot, and a changed skybox. In this list, we’ve picked out some of the best post-game content in games like Halo, Red Dead Redemption 2, and The Witcher 3.

Here are the best post-game content in games:

Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption has an epilogue after the credits roll that is quite touching, as players control John’s son, Jack, seeking revenge for his father’s death. The grave visits in this epilogue are also quite poignant, as we visit the graves of our friends, enemies, and John. Things are different in the post-game, too, as certain NPCs now have unique reactions to the death of John.

There are also new side missions, including one where Jack tries to out-drink the Marston family. After beating the epilogue, there is also a new grave to visit, this time for John’s wife, Abigail. Overall, Red Dead Redemption 2’s post-game is extensive and offers more than just additional narrative content.

Batman: Arkham City

The Arkham series has had fantastic post-game content, and Arkham City is no different. After beating the main story, the game allows you to replay the whole game with reordered enemy groups and changed boss mechanics.

For example, the fight with Mr Freeze requires you to use the freeze gun to get past the electric floors, while Killer Croc’s arena has a pit of crocodiles below. The best part is that your upgrades carry over to the new playthroughs, making it truly worthwhile to replay the game.

Dark Souls 2

The NG+ system in the Souls series is one of the most important parts of the game and a major selling point for fans. The first three games in the series had varying degrees of success with their NG+ systems, but Dark Souls 2 has the best – new mechanics, enemy placements, and items are added to the game, making it feel like you are playing a whole new game.

Other games in the series have implemented similar systems, but they can never match the quality of Dark Souls 2’s.

Timesplitters: Future Perfect

The Timesplitters games are fantastic shooters with tons of replay value. Future Perfect has so many post-game options that you could play a different game every time and never get bored.

There are arcade maps to complete, challenges to beat, and unlockables like a playable monkey. Not to mention that Future Perfect has one of the best co-op modes in games and the ability to play through the game again with new mechanics, enemy placements, and items.

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is a game that has been praised for its fantastic endgame systems. The original Destiny had its share of endgame content, but it was mostly just strikes, Crucible, and grinding for loot. Post-campaign, Destiny 2 added numerous systems and activities.

There are now strikes, PvP, Gambit, exotic quests, and dungeons to play through. All of this is on top of the loot grind, making Destiny 2 one of the longest games to play through multiple times in recent years.

Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight is a difficult game to beat, but the true challenge is to beat it without dying. The game offers additional challenges, collectibles, and rewards to players who are skilled enough to complete the game without dying, and it’s a fun post-game for perfectionists.

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 is a looter-shooter through and through, and its post-game is all about the grind. There are higher difficulty settings, DLCs to play through, and multiple playthroughs to get the most powerful loot possible.

There are also new Borderlands 2 game modes like Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot and Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, both of which add more value to the Borderlands 2 post-game.

Path of Exile

Path of Exile’s endgame is one of the best in the MMORPG genre, with maps, modifiers, and an atlas to clear. Even when you’ve cleared the maps, there are more to keep you occupied. The atlas is Path of Exile’s endgame endgame, and there are plenty of challenges to keep you busy.

Dragon Quest 11

Dragon Quest 11’s post-game content is a whole different game. The main quest and true ending of Dragon Quest 11 are very different depending on the version of the game you are playing. If you are playing the Western release, you will get the traditional Dragon Quest ending, but if you choose the Japanese release, you will get the true ending, which is a complete rewrite of the main quest and a more nuanced portrait of the world of Erdrea.

There are also more side quests and trials to play through in the post-game.

NieR: Automata

NieR: Automata may have a simple post-game, but it’s one of the best. There are multiple NG+ modes that are like entirely new games, featuring different stories and genres.

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