Shooters collide in new hero game, but will fans compromise?

Hyenas: A New Shooter Hero Game Combining Extraction and Arena Genres

Shooters collide in new hero game, but will fans compromise?
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Hyenas: A New Shooter Hero Game Combining Extraction and Arena Genres

A new Hero game combines two Shooter genres to create something both familiar and fresh. The developers of Hyenas aim to appeal to fans of both hero shooter and extraction shooter genres, while also hoping to find a unique identity.

“We took inspiration from last year’s interviews to create a unique mixture of approaches,” the developers write. “We believe it’s possible to make a game that both fans of extraction and hero shooters will enjoy.” Players, however, are uncertain if this approach will work, and whether the gameplay will be good enough to pull it off.

You can read our impressions of Hyenas from last year’s GDC here, but I (and others) found the game directionless. This year, however, it seems to have found a more uplifting angle, as the developers comment on how they want to make a game that appeals to multiple genres and is “completely new.”

The gameplay itself is fine, not spectacular. I enjoyed the zero gravity sections, which are the game’s most unique appeal. The shooting mechanics are average, and the frequent use of abilities makes the gameplay fun, but the actual act of shooting doesn’t feel all that different from other hero shooters.

The characters are diverse, with a drag queen and a ‘biker chick’ among others. You’ll face both NPCs and real players in the game, which can create a hectic experience that some might prefer. The potential for tactical metas exists if the game attracts a large player base, but it seems unclear whether that will happen.

The story revolves around a post-apocalyptic Earth and the need to steal for a ticket to Mars, which is a pretty typical premise. The developers plan to evolve the narrative between characters after the beta, and I look forward to seeing how that turns out.

Hyenas beta date

A PC beta is scheduled for August 31, and you can sign up here to experience the game yourself.

“The developers are high-level,” the article concludes jokingly, “and the game is just so charming that we’re all a little bit worried it might work.”

Check out more of the best new games coming this year.

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