Who is the best Mass Effect girl? Here’s why Tali wins

Talimancers unite! We break down why Tali is the best romance option in any game, citing her character and looks as reasons for our preference.

Who is the best Mass Effect girl? Here’s why Tali wins
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Tali or Liara? That is the question.

And we’re here to break down why Tali is the best Mass Effect girl, with her adorkable crush on the player, passion for her goals and people, and loyalty throughout the trilogy all key factors.

Many of you have expressed your own love for Tali as the best girl in Mass Effect, with her looks and character cited as reasons for your preference. Talimancers, let us unite. Tali is the best romance option in any game since, with some of you even considering her romance as the only canon. But what about Liara? Well, let’s break down the pros and cons of each character, and why fans prefer one over the other.

Mass Effect Tali vs Liara

We all have our preferences, but when it comes to Tali vs Liara, Tali is the clear winner.

“Tali is adorable. Tali is the embodiment of a shy, autistic girl that I wish I had when I was younger,” one user writes. “A lot of people see her as the younger sister figure, myself included.” Another adds, “I was that awkward kid who wanted nothing more than to spend time with Tali, even if it meant just sitting there quietly together.”

Others view Tali as a younger crush, with one writing, “Tali was one of my first video game crushes.” While some of you romanced both Liara and Tali, it seems that Tali won out for her adorkable crush on the player, as well as her loyalty throughout the trilogy.

Garrus Vakarian is also a fan-favorite, with one of you comparing him to Speedwagon as the best waifu of their respective series. Many of you also view Miranda Lawson as a popular choice, with her excellent body and beautiful face praised, though some of you express disappointment at the removal of certain angles in the legendary edition.

Jack is favored by one of you who writes, “I romanced Jack and saved her,” referring to her role in Mass Effect 2. Another writes, “Jack is honestly the most attractive girl in the game. I love everything about her, even her voice.”

Ultimately, it seems that many of you preferred Tali for her character and loyalty, while others favored her looks and personality. If you haven’t played Mass Effect yet, there’s still time before the third game launches, and you can check out our review of Mass Effect 2023 here – we loved it.

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