Pikmin 4 Cavern For A King – boss guide

Struggling through Pikmin 4's Cavern For A King? Here's a guide to defeat all the bosses you'll encounter.

Pikmin 4 Cavern For A King – boss guide
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Cavern For A King in Pikmin 4

The Cavern For A King in Pikmin 4 is no joke. This challenging boss rush cave is unlocked after defeating Louie in the Primordial Thicket, and represents the only way to capture him so that Oatchi can be cured of her affliction.

The Cavern For A King is a sublevel-based cave that’s made up of multiple floors. Each floor contains one or more boss fights, and you need to defeat all of the enemies in order to progress. Luckily, you can retrace your steps and head back to the surface if you need to gather more resources or buy better gear.

We’ve broken down the enemies you need to defeat and strategies for doing so in this Pikmin 4 Cavern For A King guide. If you’re looking for a treasure list, we’ve got that here.

Pikmin 4 Cavern For A King boss list

The Cavern For A King is split into multiple sublevels, each with a different boss that needs to be defeated in order to progress. Here is the complete list of bosses and the best strategies for beating them in the order that they appear in the cave:

Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3

Floor 4

Floor 5

Floor 6

If you’re struggling, you can take the exit back to the surface here.

Floor 7

Floor 8

Floor 9

Floor 10

Floor 11

Floor 12

Floor 13

Floor 14

Floor 15

Floor 16

Floor 17

Floor 18

Floor 19

The Cavern For A King isn’t just a series of rooms with random bosses. In fact, only the first and last sublevels are simple enough for us to describe without providing a map. The other areas are boss rooms that are designed to keep you moving, so we’ve left them off the maps for clarity.

Bosses on each floor

Here’s a table that lists the bosses on each floor and the best strategies for defeating them.


There are a lot of treasures in the Cavern For A King, and they’re far easier to find than the bosses. The treasures are dropped by the bosses and can be collected throughout the cave, but you can take the exit on sublevels 6, 12, and 19 if you need to gather more resources beforehand.

Here is a list of all the treasures found on each sublevel, along with their locations.

That’s everything you need to know about the Cavern For A King in Pikmin 4. If you’re struggling with the rest of the game, we’ve got a Pikmin 4 difficulty mode guide, as well as a list of the best Pikmin 4 seeds and a breakdown of the best Pikmin 4 captains.

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