Huge Raspberry Pi 4 has a flashing LED, of course

A giant Raspberry Pi 4 is taking shape, driven by an LED and a Pico, with a nod to beginners and the maker community, in Cambridge.

Huge Raspberry Pi 4 has a flashing LED, of course
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

A Giant Raspberry Pi 4 Honoring Grand Discoveries

A giant Raspberry Pi 4 has been created by members of the Raspberry Pi community, with a flashing LED, and it’s six times the size of a regular Pi. It’s being built in honour of Grand Discoveries, an event held by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in July, and a giant Pi board is to be placed at the Grand Arcade in Cambridge.

“We’ve been working on a giant Raspberry Pi 4 for Grand Discoveries,” the post on the Raspberry Pi blog says. It’s written by Tony Roberts and titled ‘Tiny Giant (Pi)’ and details his process in creating the build.

Roberts, along with other Raspberry Pi makers, is creating the model using methods like laser cutting, etching, and 3D printing. All logos and lettering are present on the board, and even the giant microSD card has details.

The build’s highlight is a 3D-printed giant LED that, thanks to 12 NeoPixels, glows with the help of a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller, with a MicroPython script driving the entire device. The build video on YouTube, below, provides a behind-the-scenes look at the construction process, as well.

“A lot of people in the Raspberry Pi community love making things, and love playing with electronics,” Roberts says. “I wanted to pay homage to the classic beginner project of blinking an LED.” Roberts goes on to say that the build is intended for display at the Grand Arcade in Cambridge on July 23.

This is not the first time a giant Pi has been created, with one made for Raspberry Pi Day 2.0 back in 2019. The project showcases the creativity and ingenuity of the Raspberry Pi community, while also demonstrating the versatility of the Raspberry Pi 4 and its potential for large-scale projects.

Check out the project in full, with all the details, right here.

In addition to this, we have a guide to the best Raspberry Pi 4 cases, and the best Raspberry Pi 4 microSD cards, both of which you’ll need for your next Pi 4 project.

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