This image of an old school gaming setup is totally blowing my mind

The nostalgia factor is strong with this image of a retro gaming setup with a classic TV and N64 controller.

This image of an old school gaming setup is totally blowing my mind
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

The nostalgia factor is strong with this image of a retro gaming setup with a classic TV and N64 controller.

We’re at that point where the current generation of consoles is starting to hit their stride, but memories of playing games like Final Fantasy 8 and Goldeneye are still fresh. Seeing an image of some old school gaming hardware like this evokes all kinds of warm and fuzzy feelings.

Some of you might be saying, “I don’t get it, I used to play games in the LIVING ROOM!” To you, I say, “I’m glad you’re happy with your choice to move the TV into your bedroom,” but others of you might still appreciate the good old days of gaming in the living room.

For those of you with a soft spot in your heart for the N64, the retro SNES-style Osiris D3 shoes, and the good times you had gaming as a kid, this picture is going to hit you right in the feels. It even makes me jealous of a time when I was a young’n with no responsibilities and nothing to worry about except things like whether or not I could cheese the magic system in FFVIII. Check it out:

“My grandma had one of those.”

“That’s an old Zenith console TV”

“I’m guessing that thing weighs at least 20 pounds”

“I miss the days when gaming was just fun, and we weren’t all so focused on being the best at it”

“This definitely looks more like the 80s to me than the gaming prime era”

“FFVIII had fantastic music, and you could cheese the magic system”

“Stop being stupid, Squall and Rinoa were in love”

“Rinoa was a poorly written character”

“FFVIII was complicated and had exploits, but I don’t miss that kind of thing”

“FFVIII launched on PS1, not PS2”

“The PS2 was backwards compatible with PS1 games”

“You can use an emulator for mouse and keyboard controls for Goldeneye on PC”

“There’s an Xbox port of Goldeneye as well”

Some gamers reminisce about playing FF8.

Others reminisce about playing Goldeneye.

Still others reminisce about playing Mario Kart 64.

The Osiris D3 shoes in the photo are praised.

A user says they were a “Goldeneye legend”.

Many users share their memories of playing these games and others.

The age of the PS2 surprises one user.

Many users express their love for the TV and the good times they had gaming.

One user claims to be the best Goldeneye player.

The Nostalgia of childhood gaming is contrasted with the experience of adult gaming.

One user jokes about gaining weight since their childhood gaming days.

Check out the best N64 games for more retro fun.

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