The SNES Lion King is even harder than you remember

Lion King on the SNES is quite difficult, and the Battletoads and E.V.O. are also notoriously tough games to beat.

The SNES Lion King is even harder than you remember
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 10 months ago

The SNES Lion King is extremely hard, and so are Battletoads and E.V.O.

Plus, the difficulty of many classic games is a topic of discussion, as users share their own experience trying to beat some of the hardest games out there. While many of us beat the iconic platform game as children, it turns out that some of us struggled to do so, and others never did at all.

“What’s the hardest video game you’ve ever played?” asks one user, and answers follow thick and fast. Lion King on the SNES, and Battletoads in particular, get a lot of mentions, as do games like E.V.O. on the Game Boy and Ecco the Dolphin on the Sega Game Gear.

“Lion King took forever to beat as a kid,” shares one user. “I played it on the SNES and the PC port was so bad it led to the creation of DirectX,” another adds. “I think the first two levels are easy, but the tower stage and the platforming on moving snakes are the hardest parts for me,” another user writes.

Some users express frustration with games that just equate difficulty with enemy health pools. “I just want games to stop equating difficulty with enemy health pools,” writes one. “I love games like Assassin’s Creed and Ghost of Tsushima, but when the enemies become bullet sponges, it just becomes less fun,” they continue.

“I love games like Skyrim, but the loot and grind approach just becomes a repetitive slogfest,” another writes, with similar comments about Fallout 4. One user writes, “Enemies having large health pools and being difficult to kill is not a good choice for increasing difficulty.” They continue, “Tanky enemies should be left to powerful creatures like dragons, not regular enemies.”

If you’re struggling to get through the latest Zelda title, then you might want to try BotW Master Mode. Some users say that they want a more interesting challenge, but many are saying that it’s just too difficult. It’s worth noting, then, that difficulty is very subjective, and there’s no such thing as the objectively hardest game.

“Finding warps and collecting one-ups becomes crucial for me,” one user writes about Lion King. Another adds, “It took months of practice for me to finally beat Lion King as a child.” It turns out that childhood isn’t so great for everyone, and that some games can be just as difficult to beat as an adult.

Check out our Lion King remake review, or our Lion King DLC preview, to see how we got on with the latest Simba adventure. You might also want to try one of the best games like Skyrim, if you’re looking for a open-world game with a similar feel to the Elder Scrolls series.

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