The Sims 4: Horse manure, uses, and selling price

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch DLC adds more uses for horse manure, including selling it for simoleons and using it as fertilizer to care for plants.

The Sims 4: Horse manure, uses, and selling price
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch DLC: How to Use Horse Manure

Wondering how to use The Sims 4 horse manure? Horse manure is a new item added to The Sims 4 with the Horse Ranch DLC. While the use of Manure for garden fertilizer is obvious, players may be wondering how to acquire this useful item, and how to deal with the smell.

How to Get Horse Manure in The Sims 4

There are three ways to obtain Manure in The Sims 4, including being produced by horses, or purchasing it.

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch allows you to assign Ranch Hands to collect Manure. Once assigned, Manure will be placed in your family inventory. The more horses you have, the more Manure you will produce.

Alternatively, you can manually collect Manure by clicking and dragging it into your Sim’s inventory. Be aware that it will stink, so any sim nearby will be affected by their surroundings.

As mentioned above, Manure is stored in bags in both Sims’ and family inventories. Manure quality varies, with Poor, Normal, and Outstanding options available. Higher quality Manure fertilizes plants more effectively.

How to Use Horse Manure as Fertilizer

Once you have obtained Horse Manure, you can use it as fertilizer for your crops. This is beneficial for players with a green thumb.

Horse manure acts similarly to other types of fertilizers in The Sims 4. To fertilize, place a bag of manure on the ground next to the plant. The bag will then be used to fertilize the plant, providing a continuous source of fertilizer.

You can also sell horse manure for simoleons. Manure sells for a low price, but every bit of money counts.

The Sims 4 Horse Manure is a useful fertilizer, particularly for those with a green thumb. Different expansion packs may affect gameplay, but horses remain a reliable source of fertilizer.

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