War Thunder player leaks classified Eurofighter Typhoon manual, again

A War Thunder player leaks a classified military manual for the Eurofighter Typhoon, sparking controversy as the fighter enters testing on the game's beta.

War Thunder player leaks classified Eurofighter Typhoon manual, again
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

A War Thunder player leaks classified military manual for the Eurofighter Typhoon

A War Thunder player leaks the classified military manual for the Eurofighter Typhoon DA7, sparking another controversy in the free-to-play military simulator as the fighter enters testing on the game’s beta.

The player, who previously leaked a classified Eurofighter Typhoon manual in the previous War Thunder update, uploaded the 730-page document onto the game’s forums, hoping to expedite the addition of the jet to the virtual battlefield. A moderator quickly intervened, however, removing the document and reminding users not to post classified manuals.

The leaked manual details the systems, weaponry, and flight data of the Eurofighter Typhoon DA7, an experimental prototype that was evaluated by several countries. It is export restricted for non-NATO countries, but public in NATO countries.

“We would like to remind everyone that sharing any classified documents that you have access to is against our game policies and can be punishable by law,” developer Gaijin Entertainment says in a statement. “We are aware of the latest incident and will address it accordingly.”

The Eurofighter Typhoon DA7 was one of several prototype Typhoons evaluated by different countries. The leaked document has sparked discussions on the availability and seriousness of “NATO restricted” classification, which is generally considered a formality in most countries.

This is not the first of its kind, however, as War Thunder has seen previous leaks of classified information. The game’s playerbase has gained a reputation for taking the game very seriously, sometimes to extreme levels.

Gaijin Entertainment continues to urge players not to share classified military documents. You can read our previous coverage of leaks in War Thunder here.

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