The Wii Sports soundtrack is now on vinyl, and it’s totally worth it

The Wii Sports soundtrack, bundled with every Nintendo Wii, is the best-selling Wii game of all time, and its groovy disco beats would make for a great vinyl.

The Wii Sports soundtrack is now on vinyl, and it’s totally worth it
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

The Wii Sports Soundtrack: A Perfect Addition to Your Vinyl Collection

The Wii Sports soundtrack would be a perfect addition to any record collection, and someone has already made that a reality. Nintendo’s sports compendium, which was bundled with every Wii console, has proven to be one of the best family games, and its music would be the perfect soundtrack for a day spent playing games with loved ones.

Composed by Kazumi Totaka, Kenji Yamamoto, and Ryo Nagamatsu, the Wii Sports soundtrack brings together a variety of genres, but the end result is a cohesive collection of music that stands as unique game music, while still feeling like a collection of easy-listening tracks.

The writer of this piece mostly listens to easy-listening music – think of the stuff you might hear while shopping in John Lewis – but I’d definitely be interested in adding the Wii Sports soundtrack to my record collection. I’d listen to the tennis music while cooking, golf music while eating, and bowling music while enjoying a rare occasion of single malt.

Nintendo’s sports games compete with each other on a thematic level far beyond the gameplay, but I think that Totaka, Yamamoto, and Nagamatsu would find a way to bring them together. Each of the sports has a unique vibe, but recurring motifs would tie the whole thing together as a cohesive album, in my opinion.

If you’re willing to take a risk with your taste, the Wii Sports soundtrack is available on Vinyl, unofficially, of course. It’s almost worth buying just to see the reaction from the first person you tell about your choice of music.

I’m going to buy it. I’m just not sure what I’m going to tell people when they ask me about it.

If you’re interested in the music from the Nintendo games you know and love, why not take a listen to the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe soundtrack, or the Super Mario Maker 2 soundtrack.

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