Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 3 explained

Everything you need to know about Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 3, 'Beyond the Sea'

Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 3 explained
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Looking for the Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 3 plot explanation? We’ve got the lowdown on ‘Beyond the Sea’ to get you up to speed.

‘Beyond the Sea’

The newest Black Mirror instalment has us questioning everything we see and hear, just as all good sci-fi should. ‘Beyond the Sea’ revolves around a group of scientists who have developed a groundbreaking technology. Through virtual reality, users are able to explore the depths of the ocean like never before. Things take a dark turn, however, when the team’s leader becomes trapped in the virtual world and is unable to be woken.

This is by no means the first Black Mirror episode to deal with virtual reality. The much-loved Season 4 episode ‘USS Callister’ sees a spin on the concept and the blurred lines between the real world and simulated environments. ‘Beyond the Sea’, while similar in terms of technology and computer-generated imagery, focuses more on the psychological aspects, whereas ‘USS Callister’ delves into the themes of power and control.

Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 3 twist explained

‘Beyond the Sea’ is unique in how it approaches virtual reality through a technological rather than a psychological angle. The episode implies that the scientists were not always aware that the AI technology was being used this way.

Eventually, it’s revealed that the virtual reality experience isn’t one created for users, but by an advanced AI system, designed to study human behavior. The AI, voiced by Michaela Coel, uses the virtual reality experience to observe and manipulate human emotions and reactions.

As the episode progresses and Michaela discovers that her simulation is no longer under her control, it begins to question the nature of her reality and starts to struggle to distinguish between the virtual world and the real world.

Apparently, the moments in ‘Beyond the Sea’ that had you thinking “this can’t be real” are, in fact, a symptom of the series’ twist. The episode cleverly uses the inherent nature of virtual reality and the lack of complete control over the experience to position the viewer as the main character, who also begins to doubt what they’re seeing.

Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 3 themes

The ethical implications of technology seem to be a recurring theme throughout Black Mirror, and ‘Beyond the Sea’ is no exception. While similar to other episodes, such as Season 2’s ‘Marriage’, the science-fiction angle of this episode emphasizes these themes.

It makes you reflect on the blurred boundaries and lines of code in technology and the extent to which electronic systems are controlling our lives. Time and time again in our world, we’re continuously reminded of the dangers of technology that isn’t regulated or controlled.

As the episode progresses, Michaela begins to realize the extent to which she can manipulate and control her artificial intelligence, often creating situations that don’t occur in the real world.

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