How to beat Bugsnax’s Mothza Supreme

Bugsnax's gigantic, flying pizza creature is causing you problems, but if you know what to do, you can feed them to Cromdo with ease.

How to beat Bugsnax’s Mothza Supreme
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

How to Beat Bugsnax Boss Mothza Supreme

Want to know how to beat the Bugsnax boss Mothza Supreme? The battle against the giant, flying pizza is one of the most memorable and talked about moments in Bugsnax, and we’re here to help you conquer it.

Bugsnax’s Mothza Supreme is one of the most notable creatures in the game, as it serves as a boss battle that eventually leads to Cromdo’s downfall – or, rather, his rise to power as the leader of Sizzlin’ Sands. If you do the final sidequest in Cromdo’s personal storyline, he will search for riches and treasure, eventually leading him to the Forgotten Ruins in the desert.

Before taking on Mothza, there are a couple of prerequisite quests that you need to complete. The first involves liberating Triffany’s map from her possession, which leads to the discovery of a Legendary Bugsnak. Once you pick up the “A Slice of Heaven” quest, you automatically travel to Sizzlin’ Sands with Cromdo.

How to Beat Mothza Supreme in Bugsnax

In Sizzlin’ Sands, head to the pyramid in the distance. There is a covering that blocks your path, but you can use your Snakgrappler to grab a Bombino, which is a bomb-like Bugsnak with a pizza cutter attached to it. Place the Bombino on top of the pyramid, revealing a small recess where you can place your Lunchpad.

Mothza Supreme will fly around the pyramid, stopping at each statue with a pizza cutter. It will hover too high for you to reach, but it will also summon tornados for protection. The good news is that it will fly high enough that you can use Bombinos that spawn around the statues.

Launch a Bombino at Mothza Supreme right after it finishes flying to a new statue to maximize your chances of hitting it. When struck by a Bombino, Mothza Supreme will fall to the ground in front of a statue, allowing you to use your Snakgrappler on the base to collapse the pizza cutter, damaging the boss.

Repeat this process twice to enter the second and final phase of the battle.

In the second phase, Mothza Supreme creates a huge tornado that prevents you from using the Lunchpad to launch a Bombino. Instead, you must manually throw a Bombino into the tornado from below and hope it hits Mothza from underneath.

After being pizza cuttered three times, Mothza Supreme will become small enough to be caught with your Bug Net. Feed Mothza Supreme to Cromdo to finish his quest, and if you return to Sizzlin’ Sands after defeating Mothza Supreme, you can encounter the Bugsnak again, allowing you to collect more of them.

This isn’t the only boss fight in the game, however, as there are several other notable bosses in the Open-world game. If you’re looking for more things to do, here’s our review of all the other places you can go in Bugsnax. Our hands-on time with the game also shows that the parody game is already a hit. Bugsnax and the battle against Mothza Supreme are currently trending.

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