How to catch Bugsnax Megamaki

Bugsnax: How To Catch Megamaki - A Guide to Defeating the Legendary Bugsnax

How to catch Bugsnax Megamaki
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Bugsnax: How To Catch Megamaki - A Guide to Defeating the Legendary Bugsnax

Want to know how to catch Bugsnax Megamaki? The magnificent Megamaki is a legendary Bugsnax and is one of the most exciting to appear in the game. The story behind it is a sad one though, as it’s a construction of sushi that’s gone rogue and become a fearsome foe.

Bugsnax come in all shapes and sizes, but none are more exciting than the Legendary Bugsnax of Snaktooth Island. It’s not the only one, but it’s one of the toughest and most memorable opponents that you can face in the game. We’ve put together a guide on how to catch Megamaki as well as the fight itself, as you’ll encounter it as part of Wiggle’s questline.

How to Unlock Bugsnax Megamaki

As you play the game and complete the residents of Snakburg’s quests, you’ll fight them one by one, whittling them down your tools and skills. However, there is a story arc that sees Wiggle searching for inspiration through eating Bugsnax, which then introduces the Minimakis.

The mighty Megamaki is a monstrous construction of sushi and is encountered at the end of Wiggle’s questline. You’ll have to complete two prerequisite side quests before you unlock the third and final quest that involves the Megamaki, which we’ll talk about in more detail below.

Here are the quests that lead up to Bugsnax: How To Catch Megamaki:

- Dance with the Dragon

- Boiling Bay

When you take this quest on, you’ll be transported to Boiling Bay automatically.

Bugsnax Megamaki Fight

When you arrive in Boiling Bay, it’s clear that something is wrong. Wiggle is singing, attempting to summon a legendary Bugsnax – and it works. The Megamaki appears and begins to walk towards you.

Defeating the Megamaki is a relatively simple task. Your tools of choice for this fight are the Trip Shot and the Bug Net. The Trip Shot comes in multiple forms, but for this fight you’ll likely want to equip the standard one. If you’re going to use the chopsticks, you can equip the Trip Shot to them, but we prefer using them as a makeshift fishing rod.

Alternatively, you can attach the Trip Shot to your Lunchpad. This allows you to stand in one place and fire the shot, but you’re limited to whatever angle you’re aiming from. If you’re looking for a more mobile option, simply use the fishing rod.

Your goal here is to trip the Megamaki with your Trip Shot, which you can attach to the chopsticks or to any of the wooden structures dotted around the map. It doesn’t matter where you hit the Megamaki, as long as it’s out of commission for a moment. Once it’s on the ground, you have 20 seconds of vulnerability to run after the erratic Minimakis and scoop them up with your Bug Net.

When the 20 seconds of vulnerability have elapsed, they’ll reform into the Megamaki. It’ll start flying through the air instead of walking on the ground, but the fight remains the same. Simply use the Trip Shot to knock the Megamaki out of the air.

That’s how you beat Bugsnax Megamaki. Once you’ve caught every Minimaki that used to be part of the Megamaki’s body, you’ll be able to scoop up the Megamaki as it stops moving around.

After beating the Megamaki and turning in the quest, a statue will appear on a sandy outcropping out to sea. This is a new quest that you can take on afterwards.

Bugsnax Megamaki Statue

The new quest, The Art of Sushi, takes you to the spot where the Megamaki statue should be. You’ll need to use the Fish Whistle to summon the legendary Bugsnax, but the problem is that the tide is too high for you to cross and the legendary Bug can’t reach you.

To solve this, you’ll have to use the Watering Can. Use it on the beached boat to fill it with water and then use that water to fill the empty canister.

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