How to find and catch all Bugsnax in Sugarpine Woods

Catch all the Sugarpine Woods Bugsnax and stock up on chocolate!

How to find and catch all Bugsnax in Sugarpine Woods
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Wondering how to catch all the Sugarpine Woods Bugsnax?

Sugarpine Woods is possibly the sweetest area you could imagine in Bugsnax. It’s full of saccharine snax to investigate and scoop up with the various tools you have at your disposal.

To access Sugarpine Woods, you’ll first need to convince Wiggle, Gramble, and Triffany to come back to Snaxburg. Once you’ve done that, talk to Filbo and complete the story event – this will unlock Sugarpine Woods for exploration!

There are ten sweet new Bugsnax to nab, and here’s how to get them all.

How to find all Bugsnax in Sugarpine Woods

A great deal of the snax in this area like chocolate, so it’s good to stock up whenever you can! It’s quite easy to get all of the snax in this location, and it’s very good at teaching you how to use your two new tools practically – the Snakgrappler and the Trip Shot.

You’ll need the following tools to be able to get all Bugsnax here:

  • Unlock the Trip Shot early

It’s possible to get the Trip Shot before you’re supposed to. To do this, use the powerful Lunchpad to get up to the top of the wooden tower. Before you get the quest to unlock the Trip Shot, you will be blocked from it by a wooden beam. The thing is, it’s possible to grab the Trip Shot with your recently acquired Snakgrappler through the gap in the walls! Snorpy will even acknowledge this when you return to him.

Once you’ve gotten the Trip Shot, you can use it to catch the Charmallow flying lazily around at night. There are two near the entrance, one flying over the pond to the right and one flying above the Big Bopsicle on the left. Another one can be found on the upper level.

Cool down the flaming Charmallow

It’s quite easy to cool down the flaming Charmallow. A great deal of the bugs in this area like fire, and the Charmallow is no exception. The best way to cool down the flaming Charmallow is to get it to touch a Big Bopsicle. This is easily done by covering the icy snak in chocolate sauce. When the Charmallow makes contact, it’ll be dazed enough to grab with the Bug Net.

There are a few Cinnasnails dotted around the area. There are two to the left of the entrance, hanging out on the wall, and one can be found on a distant rock from the basketball court. The Cinnasnail to the left can be lured into a Snak Trap with chocolate, but the others can only be caught by sending your Snak Trap over into their path with the Lunchpad. The full trap can then be snatched back with the Snakgrappler.

There are a trio of Hunnabees scuttling about the area, one of them very near the entrance. They run in large loops that you can see after you scan one. You’ll need to knock a Kwookie out of its path to catch it.

Charmallows can be found flying lazily around at night. There are two near the entrance, one flying over the pond to the right and one flying above the Big Bopsicle on the left. Another one can be found on the upper level.

To put out a Charmallow, you’ll need to lure it to a Bopsicle. This can be done by covering the Charmallow in chocolate sauce and letting it follow the trail to the Bopsicle. It should put the snak out and stun it at the same time.

Yellow Peelbugs can be found in the few tunnels found in the area. Use the Buggy Ball to flush a Yellow Peelbug out of its hiding spot. The tunnels are very long in Sugarpine Woods, so make sure you keep an eye on the direction your Buggy Ball icon moves and get to the other end quickly to place your Snak Trap.

Two Bopsicles are created when a Big Bopsicle breaks apart. To catch a Bopsicle, you’ll need to put it out first. Use a Charmallow, luring it to the Bopsicle with chocolate sauce. This should put the snak out and stun it at the same time.

There are two Kwookies scuttling about the area, one of them very near the entrance. They run in large loops that you can see after you scan

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