10 classic games that are surprisingly easy to find

Whether you're a collector or just want to get your hands on a classic, these 10 games are pretty easy to come by, even if they're rare.

10 classic games that are surprisingly easy to find
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Ten Classic Games That Are Easy to Find

What makes a classic game rare? Is it the system it’s on? How hard it was to find at the time? Or is it just how old it is? There are rare Nintendo 64 games, like Chrono Trigger, and then there are ten Nintendo 64 games that are easier to find than you’d expect.

Finding any game from the N64 era is difficult, but there are ten truly Classic Games that are readily available and cheap. We’ve got the likes of Pokémon Snap, a surprise hit that’s easy to find in loose cartridge form, to a Zelda game that’s always available for fans. We’ve also got a list of Sonic games that you can find in stores today, as well as a few other surprises.

Here are ten classic games that you can still find on shelves today:

A Link To The Past

A list of 10 classic games that are easy to find would be incomplete without a Zelda game, and it doesn’t get more classic than A Link To The Past. A true fan favourite, this SNES classic is always available for fans, and can be found for around $50.

Super Mario 64

You’d expect a game that’s widely coveted among Nintendo fans to be hard to find, but even after all these years, the Nintendo 64 classic is easy to find. It’s also one of the best N64 games, so it’s well worth tracking down.

Pokémon Snap

Pokémon Snap is one of the most surprising smash hits in Nintendo history, and while it’s in high demand among collectors, the game itself is easy to find. It’s even easier to find loose, in cartridge form, and you can expect to pay around $20-40 for it.

Super Mario Bros 3

Super Mario Bros 3 is a beloved NES classic, and while you’d expect it to be hard to find, it’s actually not. You can find it for around $20, and it’s a great game to play on a RetroN 5, if you’ve still got one lying around.

Tetris for the Game Boy

Tetris for the Game Boy is another surprise hit, but unlike Pokémon Snap, it’s harder to come by. Still, if you’re willing to pay a little bit more, it’s not hard to find. It’s often going for $10-15, and it’s a great little handheld game that helped sell millions of Game Boy units.

Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic The Hedgehog 2 are available on stores shelves right now, and they’re not just limited to the RetroN. These two classics are often bundled with Sega Genesis systems, making them easier than ever to find if you’re looking to put a system together. You can find them online, or in stores like Gamestop.

Final Fantasy 7

Super Mario 64 is a legendary platformer, and while it may be hard to find the Nintendo 64 game in its original cartridge form, it’s easily found in retro game shops. Don’t be afraid to ask, you might be surprised.

Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Director’s Cut

Final Fantasy 7 is a beloved RPG, but it’s a multi-disc adventure. Well, it used to be. You can now find a complete replacement disc if you’re lucky, or if you’re less lucky, an SD adapter that will let you play it on a Nintendo Switch. Either way, it’s not hard to find.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2

Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Director’s Cut are also not hard to come by. They’re not easy to find in their original boxes, but they’re not hard to come by in retro game shops. Don’t be afraid to ask, you might be surprised.


Star Wars: Battlefront 2 for the PS2 is another game that you wouldn’t think would be easy to find, especially given how many copies of the first entry were ruined by the Tusken Raiders. However, it’s considered one of the best games on the console, and as such, it’s not hard to find.

Pong, one of the earliest games, is still readily available on various consoles and plug-and-play devices. While you might not expect it to be, Pong is one of the most important games, and a must-have for retro game collectors.

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