All Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective chapters and endings

Complete the story with this guide to the final chapter of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective!

All Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective chapters and endings
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Final Chapter

Discover everything you need to know about the final chapter of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. The last chapter of the game consists of two separate chapters. Chapter Seventeen serves as an exposition, where the puzzle pieces are finally put together for the first time. Following that is the true Final Chapter, which has the potential to alter the course of events. Your objective is to prevent unlikely tragedies through even-more-unlikely intervention, and successfully complete the game's final challenge.

You've accompanied Sissel and his faithful ghost companion, Lynne, on an extraordinary journey so far. Together, you have saved the day in various extraordinary ways, even if it meant resetting the entire world repeatedly. However, the game is now reaching its conclusion, and you are about to witness the consequences of altering the past. Will Sissel and Lynne achieve their happy ending, or is there something else in store for them? Find out for yourself.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Final Chapter - Chapter Seventeen

The opening conversation in this chapter is possibly the longest in the game. Initially, there are no interactive elements, so simply listen as the game ties up all the loose ends. As the path forms behind Lynne, activate the control panel behind her to create a path upwards.

In the torpedo room, use the phone to travel to the corridor where Missile has been trapped all this time. Enter the switch above and communicate with Missile, who is currently possessing the other switch.

Move Sissel back to the phone and have Missile swap the switches. Flip the left-hand switch, which was previously stuck, and you will be transported to the command room.

Here, you will have a conversation with Jowd, who will enlighten you about the conspiracy. Naturally, you cannot let him die, so travel back in time to prevent his death.

Jump to Yomiel's corpse to go even further back, to the Final Chapter.

Wait for Yomiel to take Lynne hostage, then increase the volume on her headphones. She will drop her sweet potato, which you can use as a bridge to cross to the fountain.

Rock the basket to drop the other sweet potato into the water, then activate the fountain nozzle as it floats by.

Move Sissel to the center nozzle and Missile to the floating sweet potato.

Activate the fountain and wait for the sweet potato to reach the highest point. Swap the sweet potato with Mino and then switch Mino with the lamp on the right to prevent the meteorite.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Final Chapter - True Ending

With that, you have witnessed the true ending of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. Well, almost. There is one more thing. Make your way through the lobby and exit through the front door. There, you will encounter a new cutscene, and the potential for averting more tragedy.

And that's it! You have now experienced the full ending of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. Did it live up to your expectations, or has Sissel's good karma finally run out? Let us know by tweeting @GhostTrickGame, or check out our review of this remarkable game.

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