Master Detective Archives: Rain Code Copper Memory Shards
Are you looking for the locations of all the Master Detective Archives: Rain Code Copper Memory Shards? These collectibles offer valuable insights into the conversations between Yakou Furio and the main character. To fully enjoy their benefits, we recommend finding them as early as possible.
In addition to the Copper Memory Shards, there are four other types of collectibles in the game: Amethyst, Gold, Silver, and Emerald. Keep in mind that the Emerald Memory Shards can only be found after completing the main story. However, it's advisable to start your search for the Copper ones as soon as you can.
Where to Find the Copper Memory Shards in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
In total, there are five Copper Memory Shards in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code. The first one is obtained early in the game and serves as a tutorial, so you won't have had the chance to visit the locations yet. It's also directly in the path of the story, ensuring that you won't miss it.
The second Memory Shard can be found at Kanai Station. To reach it, simply go through one of the gates in the station and head down the path on the left side of the tracks. You'll eventually come across the red carts near Gates B and C, where the Memory Shard is located.
Another accessible location on the map is the underground passageway near the hotel. Look for a small area with a ladder leading to a crawlspace. Inside, you'll find the Memory Shard on a crate.
The fourth Copper Memory Shard is located in the Secret Lab, specifically in Chapter 4. To reach it, make your way to the upper level and jump on the red vats to reach the upper walkway. The collectible can be found on top of a large table.
As for the final Copper Memory Shard in this chapter, head to the Restricted Area. However, refrain from entering the bathhouse until you've completed the chapter. Instead, go to the area with a few small buildings and a staircase. The Memory Shard is located slightly to the left of the bathhouse.
For the locations of the other types of Memory Shards, such as Amethyst, Gold, Silver, and Emerald, refer to our comprehensive guides.
Be sure to explore our Gumshoe Gab section to fully immerse yourself in the conversations with Yakou Furio. It's a fantastic addition to the game and ensures that you've collected everything before progressing further.