Metal Gear Solid cosplay honors Hideo Kojima on his birthday

Metal Gear Solid cosplay celebrates Hideo Kojima and upcoming mission 51 in Death Stranding.

Metal Gear Solid cosplay honors Hideo Kojima on his birthday
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight 10 months ago

Metal Gear Solid cosplay honoring Hideo Kojima and the series' upcoming mission 51 in Death Stranding is being celebrated by fans.

Metal Gear Solid Cosplay honoring Hideo Kojima, the legendary creator of the Metal Gear series, and the upcoming mission 51 in Death Stranding are being celebrated by fans as the designer shares their cosplay. The user writes that they are wearing the Fragile cosplay to honor Kojima, expressing their hope for more “amazing games” in the future.

“Happy birthday, Mr. Kojima! I’m cosplaying Fragile to celebrate the upcoming mission 51 and your birthday!”

The user shares photos from the cosplay shoot, including close-ups of the jacket and face paint. They express their hope for “more amazing games” from Kojima and celebrate his work.

“Since it’s HIDEO KOJIMA’s birthday, I think it’s only right that we celebrate his contribution to the gaming industry and his upcoming game,” the designer writes. “I’m so excited for mission 51 and I hope we can continue to see more of his amazing work in the future.”

The designer includes a photo of the cosplay alongside a photo of Kojima, showing the striking resemblance between the two.

The user shares another photo of the Fragile cosplay and explains how they altered a random jacket to match the character, painted the logos by hand, and made other modifications.

“[I]t’s not perfect but I hope you guys like it,” they write. The cosplayer also explains that the shoulder spikes don’t puff out due to technological limitations, while also mentioning that they’re wearing blue shorts under the pants.

“I’ve been following him since MGS1 and I always look forward to what he’s going to do next,” one fan comments. “The detail on this is insane.”

Another fan writes, “I’ve been following him since MGS1 and I always look forward to what he’s going to do next. The detail on this is insane.”

The designer shares a photo of the Fragile cosplay alongside Kojima, with the designer explaining how they altered a random jacket to match the character.

The designer also explains that the shoulder spikes don’t puff out due to technological limitations.

A fan writes, “I’ve been following him since MGS1 and I always look forward to what he’s going to do next. The detail on this is insane.”

Another user writes, “I’ve been a fan since MGSV and played all the main games in the series.”

A playful comment asks, “Is that cryptobiote edible?”

“Just a plush made by a friend,” the designer replies. “I do trick people with the candles though.”

Another user compliments the cosplay, writing, “I’ve been a fan since MGS1 and played all the main games in the series.”

The designer also explains that the shoulder spikes don’t puff out due to technological limitations.

Another user writes, “I’ve been a fan since MGSV and played all the main games in the series.”

A comment sarcastically compares the cosplayer to an NPC, but the designer points out that the individual is insulting their appearance.

“I didn’t mean to insult your appearance, I just wanted to make a joke,” the commenter replies.

“I appreciate the joke, but I’m not exactly a model,” the designer responds.

Another user writes, “Great work!”

And here’s the previous cosplay:

While it’s unclear when mission 51 will be released, Hideo Kojima says that it will happen “soon.”

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