Konami warns Metal Gear Solid players of “outdated” content

Metal Gear Solid players express concern over potential censorship in response to a warning about "outdated" content in the upcoming collection.

Konami warns Metal Gear Solid players of “outdated” content
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Metal Gear Solid players are worried about potential censorship, as Konami warns them about “outdated” content in the Metal Gear Solid collection. Some players say they prefer content warnings over censorship, but others say the compromise is a positive step. One YouTube video is shared as an example of potentially offensive content that would benefit from a warning.

The Metal Gear Solid Collection

The Metal Gear Solid collection is an upcoming re-release of several past Metal Gear Solid games, including MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, and MGS4. Konami recently released a trailer for the collection, which concludes with the text, “Please be aware that this remastered version of MGS contains content that may be considered outdated and may be offensive to some users.”

Some Metal Gear Solid players respond to the video with concern about censorship. “I’d rather they not change anything,” one user says, “but if they’re concerned about potential censorship then I’d rather they just put a warning at the beginning of the game.” The compromise of adding content warnings is seen as a positive step, while some users criticize the hypersensitivity of the times we live in.

“Maybe a video game character with crossed arms is offensive now,” one user says jokingly. Another user responds, “Seriously, if you see this and get upset over a character’s crossed arms then you need to get a grip on reality.” The conversation becomes heated, with personal attacks and insults flying back and forth.

Some users attempt to explain the rationale behind content warnings. “I was on an adult swim site once,” one user says, “and they had a warning at the top of the page because there was a chance you might see nudity or a sex scene in an anime listed there.” Others criticize hypersensitivity, but the conversation continues to escalate.

The argument continues with insults flying back and forth. At one point, a user suggests that Metal Gear Solid designer Hideo Kojima’s reputation as a “horny bastard” may have influenced the warnings. The discussion shifts to specific examples of potentially offensive content in the games.

The debate over cigarette smoking in the game arises, with one user pointing out that smoking is portrayed negatively in the game. Another user responds, “The game is still fun despite the cancer cigarettes.” This leads to another round of insults and personal attacks.

The user who posted the initial video responds to the insults and says, “I’m sorry if I came across as pretentious with my language. I completely understand if you think I’m overreacting or being too sensitive.” They go on to clarify their intent, saying, “I’m not saying anyone should be upset. I’m just saying that it’s not a secret that the MGS games have some questionable content, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable for Konami to show some foresight and give people the option to skip it.”

This doesn’t stop the insults, however, and another user posts another comment saying, “I guess I’m the only one who’s convinced that we’re all still humans and we can talk about this without insulting each other.” The user goes on to defend their use of language, saying, “If I used language that offended you, I’m sorry for that, but I’m not going to apologize for saying what I think.”

The user then clarifies their intent, saying, “I didn’t post this to get anyone riled up, I just wanted to know what kind of content in the MGS games warranted a content warning and what didn’t.” They go on to say that they are not trying to be nosy but are simply concerned about potential censorship. “I’m not trying to pry,” they say, “but I’m just concerned that they’re going to censor something.”

Another user responds, “I’m with you on the not insulting each other part,” and goes on to say, “I think the only thing that should be censored is anything that is illegal in most countries.” They also mention that “everything else is up for discussion.”

The conversation concludes with a discussion about the appropriateness of using certain words in online discourse.

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