Atlas Fallen's Essence Stones
Want to know more about Atlas Fallen’s Essence Stones? These skills contribute significantly to your character’s power, so it’s important to equip the right combination. Essence Stones are just one of many items you can find in the RPG game, and you can also collect Relics, materials, and more.
Atlas Fallen is filled with a wide variety of items, and Essence Stones are just one of them. You can equip them to your gauntlet, and they unleash powerful abilities. Think of them as skills with unique artwork and names, but the concept is straightforward: collect, equip, and upgrade skills.
How to Equip Essence Stones
To equip Essence Stones, access the gauntlet in the menu. There are square and diamond slots available, with square stones being ‘active’ and diamond stones ‘passive’. You can equip up to five active stones at any given time. The active slot is highlighted in blue, and you can cycle through them using the left stick. The stones that have been equipped appear below.
How to Use Essence Stones
Essence Stones have unique effects on the battlefield. Some are offensive in nature while others are defensive, while others still offer passive buffs. To use them, press the L2 button, or the left trigger on an Xbox controller or PC.
If you want to equip more than five stones, you need to unlock the additional slot, which requires a Skill Stone Shard. These can be obtained from missions and their rewards.
How to Obtain Essence Stones
There are two ways to obtain Essence Stones in Atlas Fallen. The first is to find them while exploring the open-world game. You can usually find plenty of Essence Stones along the main story path, but there are some exceptions.
The second method is to fuse an Essence Core with an Essence Stone. These items are extremely rare and are obtained from high-level missions. This fusion requires specific materials, and you need to head to the Assembly Lab to complete it. Refer to our Assembly Lab guide for more information.
Essence Stone Recommendations
The recommended Essence Stones depend on your progress in the game. In the later stages, you should prioritize damage buff stones and offensive-oriented stones. Look for stones that boost the Momentum Gauge’s build rate, which allows you to unleash powerful attacks.
In the early stages, focus on valuable buffs offered by Yellow stones. Even later on, don’t neglect these stones, such as Sand Barrier, which creates a barrier slowing down enemies.
Here are all the Essence Stones we’ve found so far:
These are the Essence Stones we have discovered so far. We’ll add more as we find them in the wild, so check back often for new recommendations.
How to Improve Essence Stones
Essence Stones can be upgraded to level five, so you have to find a corresponding number of Skill Stone Shards. The shard can be obtained from missions and their rewards.