Avowed trailer breaks 3-year RPG silence with living cities, fungus-infected bears

Creator of Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny Obsidian Entertainment teases Avowed, its upcoming fantasy RPG, with a peek at a crumbling town and its infected residents.

Avowed trailer breaks 3-year RPG silence with living cities, fungus-infected bears
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Obsidian Entertainment is breaking its three-year silence to unveil its next big RPG. After the underwhelming reception to Pathfinder: Kingmaker, expectations have been low for Obsidian’s next endeavor. The short Avowed trailer defies them, showing off a bustling town and a crumbling temple before cutting to a ragtag group of adventurers exploring the decaying halls of an old Aedyr Empire outpost. Plagued by a mysterious plague, it’s clear that someone will have to investigate.
Avowed is a fantastical tale, set in Obsidian’s Eora world. Rather than travel one of the many established fantasy worlds like Lord of the Rings’ Middle-Earth or The Elder Scrolls’ Tamriel, Obsidian has opted to take us to a more remote corner of Eora and immerse players in a culture far from the likes of the Aedyr Empire.
Avowed premieres in 2024, and looks slated to be a far more compact scale than classics like Skyrim. Rather than roam the land at will, Obsidian has mentioned that Avowed will be more focused, which certainly didn’t fly with fans. Of course, that doesn’t preclude the possibility of a three-year expansion cycle like Skyrim, but for now, Obsidian seems to be aiming to complete a similarly-sized RPG within that timeframe.
The Avowed debut trailer teases a lush world inhabited by fungus-infected bears, Willy Wonka-ass mushrooms, and a wrecked ancient civilization that you and your ragtag crew of adventurers will have the chance to explore. Alongside swords and shields, the trailer shows off armor, and dual-wielded flintlock pistols – a welcome sight for RPG fans. After watching the trailer, I’m beyond sold – here’s everything we know about Avowed.
Avowed companions
Avowed’s biggest selling point might also be its most confusing; how does Obsidian make companions integral to the story without making them disposable romances? That’s exactly what the developer has said it wants to accomplish with Avowed. Will there be worthwhile romantic options from NPCs? Will we be able to romance companions, or even if not, can we get close with them and adventuring with a small, tight-knit crew?
We don’t know yet whether Avowed companions are romancable, but considering Obsidian’s emphasis on building a relationship, that’s a likely possibility. But whatever your relationship with them is, Avowed companions should have an important role to play.
Avowed 's enemies
Before we knew much about Avowed, we knew that it was populated by fungi, plague-riddled humans, and a whole circus of other encounters. Obsidian shared that Avowed would host a variety of enemies; some of which include fungus-infected bears and giant animals used as war mounts. The plants are arguably Avowed’s most magical curiosities – consuming certain flora can augment the player’s abilities, which is a unique magic system we’re excited to see in action.
With dynamic combat, enemies that aren’t afraid to use advanced tactics, and a wide arsenal of spells and weapons at your disposal, Avowed combat looks great on the surface. To elevate it even further, Obsidian has suggested that Avowed’s enemies are to be taken seriously. Their attack behaviors and strength will steadily increase as the game progresses.
Avowed open world
Avowed’s trailer shows off a glimpse of its open world, complete with quests and gameplay diversity. Of course, this is a teaser after all and has purposefully left much to the imagination. One thing we have a better idea of is Avowed’s size, which we realize isn’t gigantic like the aforementioned Skyrim, but has enough to keep fans occupied.
According to Steam, Avowed is a rundown, 4X fantasy open-world game inspired by the likes of Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny. Like many other games that boast an open world, Avowed is set in a fantasy land filled with villages, cities, and other points of interest. You’re free to explore however you see fit, but completing Avowed main questlines encourage a playthrough of the main story and side quests provided.
Avowed dialogue choices and morality
Avowed’s trailer depicts a few dialogue options, complete with the colorful faces of several NPCs looking on. Sounds standard, yes, but Obsidian has hinted that Avowed’s dialogue options should be more varied than your typical RPG. Judging

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