Final Fantasy 14 crafting – how to make Gil

Craft, cook, and sell your way to Gil in Final Fantasy 14 with the game's crafting jobs.

Final Fantasy 14 crafting – how to make Gil
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Final Fantasy 14 crafting jobs

If you're looking for ways to make Gil in Final Fantasy 14, Crafting is one of the ways you can do it. The game's crafting system is more than just cooking, as you can craft and sell your own items. These classes have their own leveling systems, allowing you to go deeper into a specific type of work and reap the rewards.

While many players will level up all jobs to try them out, there are some in the Final Fantasy 14 world that are more specialised. For example, if you've maxed out every job in the free PC game, the Culinarian class may not be as useful for you. However, you can cook food that you can sell to the public, giving you a new way to make Gil in the MMORPG.

All of the Final Fantasy 14 crafting classes have their own uses, even if they aren't as combat-focused as some other jobs. Here are all of the crafting classes in Final Fantasy 14 and how to make the most of them.

How to make Gil in Final Fantasy 14

The best way to make Gil in Final Fantasy 14 is to level up your Culinarian crafting job, cook food, and sell it on the market board. Cooking food can net you a lot of Gil, but it requires you to create a recipe first.

To start making Gil as a Culinarian, you can either cook up an item after you've made it or sell it on the market board. If you're only cooking for your own use, you don't need to worry about creating the recipe first. However, you can make more money by creating recipes first and then cooking the food.

This method is good if you're constantly creating new recipes and cooking food, as you can always sell it. However, you can only list one item at a time on the market board, so you can't list 10 food items at once to make more money.

Final Fantasy 14 crafting classes

The best Final Fantasy 14 crafting classes to make Gil are:

  • The Culinarian class isn't as useful for players who have maxed out every job, especially since there are so few recipes and dishes to cook.
  • The Alchemist job has a similar crafting method, where you can craft dye pots, but the other items have limited use.
  • The Carpenters can craft weapons or furniture, but the end-game weapons and armor require you to be level 60 with the Armorer job. You can craft lower level weapons and armor with your Carpenter job, but they won't be as strong as the ones you can make with the Armorer.
  • Tanning hides is a good way to make Gil with your Leatherworker job, as you can sell them at inflated prices to Weavers. You can also craft lower level weapons and armor with your Carpenter job, but they won't be as strong as the ones you can make with the Armorer.
  • Armorers are extremely essential in the game, as they provide new armored plates for new content. New raids and dungeons require you to have upgraded armors, so your Armorer job will be extremely valuable.
  • Blacksmiths can craft powerful blades but not tomes or staves for caster jobs. While you can use a blade for a Black Mage or a Summoner, it's often better to equip a tome for higher damage. If you want to use a staff, you're better off using a Summoner, since the job is better at using staves.
  • Crafting jewelry is lucrative with the Goldsmith job, as you can craft high-value jewelry and accessories with multiple Materia slots. You can use these accessories to boost your DPS or healing in raids, making them a crucial part of the end-game.
  • Clothing is fashionable with the Weaver job, as you can craft fashionable attire for players to customise their characters. This is mainly for players who enjoy dressing their characters and customising their look, as glamour is the end-game content for many players.
  • If you enjoy creating different outfits and customising your character, the Weaver job is essential. Not only can you craft fashionable attire, but you can also dye them to create unique looks.
  • Weavers can also craft fashionable attire that players can wear to stand out in the game world. While you might think that you don't care about fashion in a game about fighting monsters, many players want to stand out in the massive online game.
  • Final Fantasy 14 Armorer - How to use Plate

The end-game content for many players is glamour, not just defeating raid bosses. Leveling a Weaver job can allow you to create unique and stylish clothing, so it's one of the more important crafting classes.

Now that you know all of the Final Fantasy 14 crafting classes, you should be able to find a way to make money in the RPG game. The game revolves around combat and weapons, which is why Blacksmiths and Armorers are so valuable. However, there are still many ways to make money in the MMO game, and crafting classes can be a lucrative and enjoyable aspect of Final Fantasy 14.

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