How to find the flashlight in Layers of Fear

The Layers of Fear flashlight: A crucial tool for both story and gameplay

How to find the flashlight in Layers of Fear
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

The Layers of Fear flashlight: A crucial tool for both story and gameplay

Looking for the flashlight in Layers of Fear? Players will need the flashlight quite early on in the game to navigate the dark corridors of the pirate ship. It also serves as the primary defense against the aggressive echo. To effectively defend against the aggressive echo, players must carefully balance their usage and create escape routes.

Finding the flashlight

Players must progress through the pirate ship stage segment to unlock the narrative letter, which will guide them to the hallway with a curtain. Beyond the curtain, players will discover another narrative letter on a table, as well as a radio on a stool. The radio emits static, which eventually fades to silence.

Heading down the hallway, players should not proceed into the next room. Instead, they should turn around and go back. They will notice a faint chalk arrow on the floor pointing in the opposite direction.

Following this arrow, players should open the door at the end of the hallway. This room may seem like a stage set for the pirate ship, with broken ship props, but it holds something important: a door that players couldn't go through in the previous hallway. Approaching the door now will magically slide it open, allowing players to proceed.

The next room is sparsely furnished, with a few metal shelves and a table covered in film reels. As players move further into the room, it grows dark, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. While advancing, the door that the player just emerged from slams shut.

In the darkness, players can spot a soft light at the far end of the hallway. Proceeding further, they should peek inside the room at the end of the hallway. On the bed, there is a suitcase containing tapes and film cans, but as players get closer, the suitcase opens to reveal the flashlight.

It's worth noting that this narrative scene may not contain any narrative discovery items, as players can find them in other areas of the game.

Using the flashlight to dispel the echo

The flashlight functions similarly to other psychological Horror games. Players can use it to light their way and create paths through the house, but its primary function is to dispel aggressive echoes. When an echo's attention is caught, players can focus the flashlight on it to ward it off.

This defense mechanic is particularly important when dealing with certain hostile mannequins. Approaching these mannequins can cause them to animate and attack the player. Illuminating them with the flashlight will cause them to go dormant and create escape routes.

That's all you need to know about finding the Layers of Fear flashlight and its related functions. If you're new to Layers of Fear, be sure to check out our Layers of Fear review. The game is available on PC, PS4/5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S|X.

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