Where to find all Layers Of Fear (2023) mementos

A Guide to Finding Every Memento in the Painter's Story to Ensure the Family Ending

Where to find all Layers Of Fear (2023) mementos
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Are you searching for all of the Layers of Fear (2023) mementos? The Painter’s Story has by far the most collectibles to find of all four chapters. Some are quite well-hidden, and it’s actually impossible to get them all in a single playthrough on account of the game’s branching paths.

If players aim for a family-ending Prestige mode trophy, they'll want to ensure that they collect as many of these mementos as possible. The mementos specifically are among the most important of these collectible types, as they're necessary to unlock the family ending. Fortunately, the memento locations are consistent regardless of the player's path, so there is no need to worry about extra effort tracking them down.

The Mementos collected are displayed on the wall in the studio between chapters. While players don’t necessarily have to find all seventeen, it’s easier given the time invested to go out of their way to get as many as they can in order to ensure they get the ending they want.

How to Get the Family Ending in Layers Of Fear (2023)

Early in the chapter, players are given the choice to hang a painting on the wall in the studio. They should choose the painting on the right, with the green background. Then, they should choose the one on the left, with the cobblestone background. A table will appear nearby, from which the wedding photo can be collected.

Players can then move on to the next room, where they’ll look to their right to spot a wine bottle. There are technically quite a few collectibles there, but they won’t be able to go down the hall anytime soon.

Instead, players should look toward the far wall, past the other table and the fireplace. They should notice a large red cabinet. There are bottles on top of it, which can be used to reach the other side. There’s a chest with a lockpick, and a key between the cabinet and the worktable, so they should make sure to grab both.

Players should use the lockpick to open the chest, then move to the table and take the perfume bottle – not technically a memento, but it’ll be needed in a bit.

Next, players should move to the locked door and use the key to unlock it. In the hall beyond, they should see a partially crumbled section. There’s a chest on the other side with a note from a maid, but they won’t be able to reach it quite yet.

Later on, players will come to the room that repeats over and over. There are two corpses with figures in flowing dresses, along with the words “Going In Circles” written on the walls. This room is the key to solving the Escher Room puzzle, but players can’t grab anything in this area just yet.

Eventually, players will come to a point in the story where they pass through that room several times. The fourth time, instead of moving to the door, they should look to their left. There’s a floral bottle sitting on the floor in the corner here, which they can pick up and place on the tray in the fifth room.

Once this daisy is in place, the exit door will unlock and players will be able to move on to the next room. In here, they’ll find two mirrors with pictures of that green-dressed figure, along with an unfolded note in front of them.

After passing through that repetitive room another couple of times, players will wind up in the room with the crumpled wall. The area is unstable and they’ll need to walk carefully if they want to make it over. They should make their way over to the chest, then back a bit to where they can jump to another part of the hall. From here, they should climb up to the Cabinet Coin and the Cabinet key.

Players should use the key to open the cabinet and take the photo, then use it on the hole, and it’ll act as a drawing in that large, empty wall.

As they move through the repetitive room, players should drop down to the lower level to pick up another cabinet key and photo.

[End of article]

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