Layers of Fear Hidden Projector Slides Guide

Find every hidden projector slide in the haunted game Layers Of Fear with our comprehensive guide.

Layers of Fear Hidden Projector Slides Guide
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Layers Of Fear Hidden Projector Slide Locations

Are you searching for all of the Layers of Fear hidden projector slides? These old slides reveal scenes from the Actor’s past, scattered throughout the game’s creepy setting. Don’t worry if you’re missing any; our guide helps you locate each collectible, divided by chapter for easy navigation.

While exploring the twisted corridors of Layers Of Fear, you will come across many gruesome entities. Fortunately, the game doesn’t leave you alone in your search; you are aided by a trusty lantern which can light up dark rooms and scare off baddies. Bear in mind, however, that the interaction icon may not always appear. In such cases, you’ll have to get close enough and focus on the area in question. Also note that you may only be able to pick up the slides if you’re both in the right place and up for interacting with it. With all that in mind, here are all of the Layers Of Fear hidden projector slides, divided by chapter for your convenience.


You can view the first projector slide straight away, as soon as you arrive at the cabin. Use your trusty lantern to light up the projector in the main room.

Passenger Cabins

Open the top drawer of the table located at the far end of the hall in the passenger cabins to find the next slide.

Just past the cabin where you find Slideshow 8, you’ll enter a dark room that resembles a jail. Open the drawer on the left side of the desk to find the ninth projector slide.

After sealing the steam leak in the engine room, crouch under the large pipe on the right to find the tenth slide.

Projector Room

In the room with crawling child projections, move the projector to the third slide, and you’ll find another slide on the floor.

The room past the crawling child projections, before you reach the projector room, contains a room with a collection of toys. You can pick up the slide in the bottom drawer of the bedside table.

The office with the rocket ship puzzle provides an opportunity to collect two projector slides. Check the desk drawer before launching the rocket and you’ll pick up the fifteenth slide.

In the red room, animate the mannequin at the piano to take a slide from its hands.

Chased By The Formless Monster

Find a slide on a table next to the stairs in a room with a coffin – although you may end up dropping it. The chase here is fairly straightforward, either pick up the slide as soon as you can or focus on getting out alive.

In the part of the mansion that’s doubling up as a screening room, continuously change slides until the screen shatters. You’ll find another slide on a small table in the next hallway.

In the bank vault, animate a mannequin to crawl forward up the steps. Turn around and use the key you pick up to open a door. You’ll find another slide on shelves here. You can drop the sliding if you’re in too much of a hurry, but it’s fairly easy to keep hold of it.

The interaction icon may not always appear, but you can still pick up a slide if you’re close enough and focused on it.

Layers Of Fear Hidden Projector Slides Summary

And that’s every projector slide in Layers Of Fear. It’s not strictly relevant to the main game, but our Layers of Fear 2 review warns of changes that ensure this experience is a Horror game like no other.

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