Layers Of Fear 2023 choices – how to avoid the Formless ending

Know your options to avoid the Formless ending in Layers Of Fear (2023) and discover the fate of the Burns children.

Layers Of Fear 2023 choices – how to avoid the Formless ending
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Knowing Your Options in Layers Of Fear (2023)

Want to know how to avoid the Formless ending in Layers of Fear 2023? In the Actor’s Story, you'll discover the fate of the Burns children. As a set of Edwardian orphans, the trio sneaks aboard the RMS Odyssey, the ship bound for England. The story of the children unfolds through interactions with the ghosts on the ship, including the titular “Layers Of Fear”, a mannequin that can be shot and repurposed as a ‘scarecrow’.

Throughout your time with Layers Of Fear (2023), you’ll face a number of choices that determine your interactions with the kids – and in turn, the outcome of the story. While the interface allows some leeway with respect to your choices, the game tracks whether you follow or disobey the Director’s instructions. If you obey the director in all four scenarios, you’ll achieve the Flame ending. On the opposite flank, if you defy the Director every time, you’ll receive the Always ending. Whatever your method, here’s how to find out what sort of ending you’ve earned in Layers Of Fear (2023).

Layers Of Fear 2023 Story Endings Explained

In each chapter, except for the last, you’ll receive instructions from the Director. As you work through the ship, the game tracks whether you follow or disobey these directions. Here are the four key decision points, based on their locations in each chapter, along with how to approach them for a more satisfying conclusion.

In the Cabin between chapters, you can visit the recording room to review your choices. However, you can’t change them unless you opt to start a new playthrough.

Is There a Better Ending in Layers Of Fear 2023?

No, there isn’t. The Formless ending is the only one you can achieve by making inconsistent choices across the chapters. Other endings are possible only if you stick to your decisions consistently.

If you choose to disobey, you will typically have an opportunity to change your mind and follow the instructions. Conversely, if you choose to obey, you’ll typically proceed without any chance to reconsider. The ghostly presence will often communicate its expectations clearly, but there may be instances where the director speaks cryptically or provides feedback based on your actions.

That’s everything you need to know about the Layers Of Fear 2023 endings and how to avoid the Formless ending. If you want to keep up to date with the trending happenings around this Horror game, check out everything we know about Layers Of Fear (2023). And if you’re keen to dive into something new, our Layers Of Fear (1999) review sheds the light on why it’s one of the best indie games around.

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