The Layers Of Fear Actor’s Story Ending and how to get the best one

Discover how to achieve the best ending in Layers Of Fear Actor's Story and make key decisions throughout the game.

The Layers Of Fear Actor’s Story Ending and how to get the best one
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Layers Of Fear Actor's Story

Layers of Fear Actor's Story is a DLC that puts players in the role of a silent protagonist trapped on the RMS Odysesy during the Calamity. Unlike the previous protagonist, Delilah, the player has no control over the actor's actions. The objective is to avoid the same fate as the characters from Playable Teaser 2: The Family, who were trapped by the deranged Director.

While most events in Actor's Story are remakes of those from other Layers Of Fear games, there are important differences, such as the fate of the Burns children. In Layers Of Fear, players control Delilah, the mother of the Burns twins, who is trying to keep them alive and protect them from the disturbing forms of the deranged Painter. In Layers Of Fear 2, players journey to the top of the deranged Tower, facing all parts of the Painter. In this story DLC, players assume control of the Burns twins aboard the ship as the Calamity unfolds, leaving the family at the mercy of the trapped monstrosity in the Basement.

How to Achieve the Best Ending

There are multiple endings in Layers Of Fear Actor's Story, including the default Formless ending, as well as the variant endings The Flame and Always. To obtain each of these endings, players need to make the right choices in each chapter. However, the game is forgiving, so making wrong choices won't necessarily result in the Formless ending. Instead, it subtly changes the story's course of action, for better or worse, based on the choices made. Even if the Formless ending is reached, there is still an opportunity to make the necessary choices for another ending. Here are the key decision points in the campaign:

Choices and Endings

Each chapter, except the last one, presents a decision moment where players must obey or defy the Director's instructions. These choices are represented by mannequins, with obeying involving selecting the mannequin matching the desired command. Defying the Director means not selecting the respective mannequin, potentially choosing the wrong one by mistake.

Following the Director's instructions in all four scenarios leads to the Flame ending. Defying the Director's instructions in every scenario results in the Always ending. Choosing to follow some instructions and disobey others leads to the Formless ending.

Some choices may be clear, while others could be cryptic, only providing feedback after a move is made. If the Director's instructions are disobeyed, they can be changed, but obedience often doesn't allow for reversals. Hence, this guide is here to help if the campaign has already begun.

Key Decision Points

Chapter 1:

In the basement, the aim is to find a way to the top floor and escape the creepy ship. The choice is between removing blockage to open the door or going through the window. The method chosen will determine where the Ghost attacks.

In this chapter, there is a confrontation with a dog over food. Feeding the dog results in dropping the meat when one of the dogs attacks. The growl can be heard before the attack, and shooting the dog once will prevent further aggression.

Players will encounter a hook, rope, and lantern. Choosing to walk with Lily or making her walk the plank will determine who, if anyone, survives the ordeal. Ensure that you are the one holding the lantern when leaving the room.

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