Layers of Fear empty canvas puzzle – how to solve

Explore the meaning behind the empty canvas puzzle in Layers of Fear and discover how to solve one of the game's most challenging puzzles.

Layers of Fear empty canvas puzzle – how to solve
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

What does the empty canvas puzzle in Layers of Fear mean?

The empty canvas puzzle in Layers of Fear is regarded as one of the game’s most challenging puzzles. With numerous possible solutions, all of them incorrect, it has garnered the status of being the highlight of this year's Horror game releases.

If you find yourself still wandering through the eerie halls of Layers of Fear, constantly aware that your own mind is attempting to deceive you, fear not. We are here to provide assistance. The horror game presents a series of mind-bending puzzles that put your intellect to the test. In the Painter's Story, you will encounter one of these perplexing challenges in an area where everything appears to be an illusion. You will encounter an empty canvas puzzle in an unsettling gallery that is sure to leave you feeling overwhelmed. (Please note: this walkthrough contains minor spoilers for Layers of Fear.)

How to find the empty canvas puzzle

In Chapter 1 of the Painter's Story, you will navigate through several rooms as paintings come to life around you. Your objective is to make your way outside. However, as you progress, you will observe more paintings coming to life in the distance, which means there will be a great deal to take in.

Upon reaching the main hall, where the primary puzzle is located, you will face a choice. On one side, the Painter opts for red paint, while the other side leans toward green. Your decision will influence the outcome of your playthrough, but technically, there is no wrong answer at this stage. This is the only time you can choose either color.

Regardless of your choice, you should proceed down the left-hand side of the Painter's lantern. Eventually, a fork in the road will vanish, and the subsequent doorway will lock.

Nevertheless, you should still proceed on the left-hand side, as it is where you can find a few items in the windowed corridors. First and foremost, you will want to collect the perfume bottle, located right around the corner. As you progress through the hall and other areas, you will occasionally hear the whispers of the Painter's wife. This is where you can find the source of those whispers.

There are also several letters scattered throughout the hallway. Both the perfume bottle and the letters provide additional context to the narrative as you progress through the empty canvas puzzle. Eventually, you will enter a room with high ceilings, where multiple easels are present.

However, only one canvas is visible, even though several frames are present. The room locks behind you, and you cannot bring any of your previous items with you. Thus, you must solve this puzzle in order to escape.

How to solve the empty canvas puzzle in Layers of Fear

Upon entering the room filled with empty frames, it is likely that you will feel intimidated by the sheer number of frames. If you are unfamiliar with this type of puzzle, your initial instinct may be to interact with everything. However, that is not the correct approach.

Instead, walk straight to the empty canvas and go around to the other side. Eventually, you will notice another canvas becoming visible in one of the empty easels. This is your goal.

Once you bring that canvas, along with all the empty frames, into view, a door will materialize, allowing you to exit the room. Repeat this process with the other empty frames and easels. Once you have done so, you will be able to collect items such as the perfume bottle and the letters.

Now, here comes the slightly confusing part. When you approach the marble sculpture in the middle of the room, you will see a prompt to use an item. Use an empty frame in front of the sculpture to make it disappear, revealing a key on an empty pedestal.

This key will unlock the door, allowing you to continue your journey. We have one additional tip, unrelated to the empty canvas puzzle itself. In one of the subsequent rooms, you will encounter a corridor with a couple of differently-sized mirrors. Pick up the perfume bottle and use it on the larger mirror to receive a hint on how to proceed.

That concludes our guide on how to navigate the empty canvas puzzle in Layers of Fear.

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