Linus Tech Tips returns with first video after content hiatus

Linus Tech Tips returns with a video outlining changes following a six-month hiatus, as the YouTube channel faces allegations from fans.

Linus Tech Tips returns with first video after content hiatus
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Linus Tech Tips returns with a video outlining changes and improvements

Linus Tech Tips returns with a video outlining changes and improvements to the YouTube channel following its six-month hiatus, as the designer and YouTuber addresses errors and promotes transparency through outlining new HR processes, debunking myths, and subtly addressing the Madison Reeve allegations.

In the 15-minute video, Linus touches on various topics, including errors and improvements to the content creation process, HR changes and the team at Linus Tech Tips, debunking myths, Madison Reeve allegations, and the importance of community engagement. The release follows on from a Reddit post by Linus, where he expressed regret at making mistakes, and outlined plans to enhance content quality and production value.

“We’re back because we believe that it’s important to always strive to be better,” Linus begins the video. “We believe that it’s important that we have a commitment to doing the right thing, to providing accurate information, and to fact-checking.”

Linus Tech Tips then addresses errors made in the past, expressing disappointment at the mistakes, and stating the importance of holding yourself and others accountable. “I’m not perfect, none of us are,” Linus continues. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes, some of which we’ve talked about before. I’ve made some new ones. I think it’s important to acknowledge that.”

Linus then aims to rebuild trust and credibility with the audience by expressing a commitment to improving communication and addressing concerns. “We will always strive to do better and be better, and it’s important that you hold us accountable,” Linus says. “If you feel like we’re not being completely honest, if you feel like we’re making mistakes, speak up. We want to hear it.”

Linus also expresses gratitude for the support received during the hiatus by viewers, thanking fans, and wishing Madison Reeve well following her departure from Linus Tech Tips.

Linus then addresses the impact of the hiatus on the team and their morale, expressing a desire to re-establish the culture and environment at Linus Tech Tips that fosters growth and fosters learning. “I want to be a place where people are excited about learning new things, and where people are excited about contributing,” Linus says.

Linus Tech Tips then encourages open dialogue and feedback, as Madison Reeve allegations have left some fans questioning the culture at the YouTuber’s workplace.

“We’re not perfect, none of us are,” Linus affirms. “We’re all flawed human beings, but we strive to be better and to do the right thing, and it’s important that you hold us to that.”

The video closes with a new slogan, “Take it to the Next,” and a clip of the team working on a new PC build.

The video has received mixed reactions from fans, with some expressing gratitude for Linus addressing the allegations, while others have accused him of “deflection and denial,” and “not taking any responsibility.”

Others have praised Linus for “being real and honest,” while encouraging him to “continue to be open and transparent.”

Others have also addressed the allegations, stating “no one is perfect.”

If you wish to support Madison, you can do so by following her on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, and subscribing to her YouTube channel.

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