Crash Team Rumble review – this MOBA is a crash

Crash Team Rumble: A Disappointing Low Point in the Beloved Series

Crash Team Rumble review – this MOBA is a crash
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Crash Team Rumble: A Crash of Expectations

It's been a long time coming, and the latest MOBA spin-off of the beloved bandicoot, Crash Team Rumble, falls short of its potential. As a lifelong follower of Crash Bandicoot since the very first game, the disappointment is overwhelming. This uninspiring MOBA football spin-off lacks the basic elements found in every other MOBA, failing to establish its own identity and character.

While there are some moments of amusement with creative character design, such as Coo, the overall experience is diluted by missed opportunities. The game feels clumsy, with unbalanced roles and boring gameplay that grows dull with time. There is a lack of progression and rewards, leaving players with no sense of purpose. Even standard features like a store and events are absent.

Even for die-hard Crash Bandicoot fans, this is a disappointment. The game lacks the charm and characters from previous titles, reducing them to generic roles. The maps are small and indistinguishable, offering little diversity. The absence of music and background sounds results in a bland experience, with only objective pings to guide players.

A Lackluster Gameplay Experience

As a MOBA player, Crash Team Rumble fails to impress. The minimal roles and lack of individual character growth result in shallow gameplay and incomplete matches. Victory is determined by team composition and scoring goals, rather than skillful play. The linear progression and unrewarding upgrades remove any sense of excitement.

Unlike other MOBAs, Crash Team Rumble lacks the satisfying upgrades, level transitions, and item variety that make the genre enjoyable. The monotonous gameplay and imbalanced roles further hinder the experience. Tanking, in particular, feels worthless, and the absence of items limits strategic choices.

MMOs and MOBAs have been Blizzard's domain, yet Crash Team Rumble fails to capture the essence of these genres. The game feels repetitive, with characters serving as mere stat boosters. The lack of role-specific progression and variety leaves players feeling unengaged.

A Lack of Personality

Crash Team Rumble joins the list of disappointing Crash Bandicoot spin-offs. While previous games had some charm and creative spark, this latest installment lacks personality. It fails to continue the charm of the 90s era, even with overpriced DLC.

In conclusion, Crash Team Rumble falls short of expectations, delivering a lackluster MOBA experience that fails to stand out in the genre or provide the enjoyable gameplay of its predecessors.

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