Captain America: Brave New World could follow in Thor's footsteps – but not how you think

Captain America: Brave New World follows in Thor's footsteps, but aims to deliver a better narrative and diverse representation.

Captain America: Brave New World could follow in Thor's footsteps – but not how you think
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Captain America: Brave New World

It is highly likely that Captain America: Brave New World will follow a similar trajectory as Thor: Love and Thunder. However, this should not be seen as a negative reflection on the movie's potential quality or Marvel's commitment to creating another exceptional installment in Captain America's film franchise. It is simply a result of the studio's methodical approach, which often involves reusing successful solutions employed in previous movies, such as Thor.

While some may perceive this as repetitive, it is worth noting that the first two films in both the Thor and Captain America trilogies received widespread acclaim for their world-building and storytelling within the Superhero genre. This success has naturally left viewers hoping for a fresh direction for these characters.

Captain America: Civil War introduced popular Marvel Comics heroes and set the stage for complex relationships between Steve, Sam, and Thaddeus. Conversely, Thor: Love and Thunder made an intriguing decision to prioritize character development over extensive world-building. Unfortunately, it failed to strike the right balance, further marginalizing minority representation and prioritizing comedy at the expense of cohesiveness. Consequently, the franchise seemed to compensate for its lack of diversity with superficial storytelling and a romantic comedy-like tone.

If Captain America: Brave New World can avoid the identity crisis faced by Thor and establish itself as one of the MCU's standout films, it will be due to its ability to deliver a cohesive narrative. This is indeed a significant challenge for a fourth installment, especially when it introduces a legacy character. However, Anthony Mackie has the talent to offer a fresh portrayal of Sam Wilson, exuding confidence, sassiness, street-smarts, and a deep love for music. Such representation is crucial for America and the world at large.

Even if Marvel simply has Mackie donning the costume after Chris Evans steps away from the role, it will be a triumph because Mackie is genuinely perfect for the role. Moreover, there are hints that the storyline of Captain America: Brave New World will build upon the foundation laid by Captain America: Civil War and Mackie's own Disney+ series, as the introduction of the beloved character The Leader suggests. The inclusion of Harrison Ford as General Thaddeus Ross and Tim Nelson as The Leader adds an extra layer of excitement to the already highly-anticipated film.

If Marvel can strike the right balance in storytelling, avoiding the risk of a Thor-like focus on humor that dilutes the underlying seriousness of the narrative, then Captain America: Brave New World has every chance of becoming one of the MCU's greatest installments to date. The trailer promises an appropriately epic and emotional experience, reminiscent of the tone in Avengers: Endgame. Such similarities are not cause for concern, especially considering the overwhelming success of Endgame and its heartbreaking scene between Steve and Peggy.

Captain America: Brave New World is scheduled to premiere on May 3.

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