The Flash Welcomes Back Michael Keaton as Batman
We’re celebrating the return of the best Batman, Michael Keaton, in The Flash with our pick of the best Michael Keaton Batman quotes from the films.
When we think about the best Batman portrayals, we probably picture Christian Bale, from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises, or maybe Val Kilmer from Batman Forever. But Michael Keaton gets overlooked. His portrayal was so unique that it was eerily reminiscent of Bruce Wayne from the comics, with its eccentric humor, bright sardonicism, and ruthless intensity. He played Batman twice, for both Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992), yet, thanks to the time travel hijinks of Barry Allen, Michael Keaton’s Batman returns for The Flash (2023).
When we first meet Keaton’s Batman in The Flash, he certainly is a far cry from the suave gentleman we know. He is less of a Caped Crusader, and more of a Big Lebowski, walking around in a sweater and flip-flops. Eventually, he becomes the superhero we know he can be, and when he does kick ass, he does it with style and humor, making his humor Batman one of the absolute best live-action portrayals.
The Best Michael Keaton Batman Quotes
“What does every woman want to be asked?”
As Batman and Vicki Vale plummet from a building, Batman asks Vicki Vale how much she weighs to best calculate their trajectory. The former Basic Instinct journalist probably expected to be asked other things, but in typical Batman awkwardness he uses this most unexpected question to best alleviate any tense situation. With his calmness during tense situations and his wry humor, Michael Keaton’s Batman represents a friendly force for good in a world full of villainy.
“Eat floor.”
In a fight with Catwoman, Batman throws her toward the ground and tells her to “Eat floor.” The line might not have the exact same stature as “I’m Batman,” but that delivery… oh my, that delivery. That delivery alone is worthy of being amongst the best Batman Michael Keaton quotes. Batman is not one to show his cards until absolutely necessary, yet in this instance, he shows his value by talking Catwoman down and allowing his enemy to fall to her death. Instead, he throws her just hard enough to mentally break her, showing his lethal streak and his occasionally cruel sense of humor.
“Do me a favor.”
In Batman’s first appearance in Batman, he holds a criminal over the edge by the scruff of his shirt, calmly asking him to do him a favor… just before throwing him off the edge. There’s no doubt of how quickly Batman can get down to business – for the good, or for the bad. But this early scene shows how patient he can be if absolutely necessary.
“You wanted the Joker in your face, here he is.”
One scene in The Flash has Batman in the Batcave, asking the two Barry Allens and Supergirl with a smirk on his face if they want some help. Before they all jump into action, they ask him why he’s helping, to which he repeats a line used by The Joker earlier in the film, asking him politely, “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” before punching him in the face. It serves as a reminder to the villain that, even though Batman will tolerate their antics, he will not put up with them messing with his friends.
“I’m Batman.”
There is no line more iconic than “I’m Batman,” and Michael Keaton delivers it with such power and presence that it has become a part of Batman legend; it even appeared in an episode of the Batman Beyond cartoon series in the ’90s. Perhaps most importantly, though, it reminds the audience exactly who he is and what he represents as Batman, a force for good in a world full of villainy.
“You know who’s crazy? You know who’s crazy? *Points to self* This guy. *Laughs*”
Keaton’s Bruce Wayne may not be in the comics, but he fits the character perfectly, from the unique high-pitched laugh to his sheer commitment to fighting crime. A particular instance of this commitment comes when, after several members of the Gotham Police Force are killed by the Joker, a police officer asks him how he can keep doing this, to which he says the above, nodding to himself as if he knows it sounds a little crazy.