The Sims 4: Vampires power and weakness guide

Discover the powers and weaknesses of becoming a vampire in The Sims 4: Vampires game pack.

The Sims 4: Vampires power and weakness guide
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Sims 4: Vampires

Becoming a vampire in The Sims 4: Vampires game pack offers you more than immortality and the ability to walk in the sun. Your Sims will gain access to a range of powers and weaknesses that define their vampire type. There are five vampire ranks, each of which has four levels. Your Sim will gain power points as they age that you can spend on vampiric powers. These can range from transforming into a bat, to commanding other Sims, and even preventing need depletion.

Your Sim will also be required to take upon reaching the next vampire rank a weakness that can be detrimental to their everyday lives. You’ll be able to choose your vampire Sim’s powers and weaknesses from all ranks up to the current rank they have attained. Each rank has five powers and two weaknesses, except for fledgling rank, which has three weaknesses. Some powers and weaknesses conflict with each other, so be sure to choose wisely. Here’s a breakdown of every power and weakness in The Sims 4: Vampires.

The Sims 4 vampire powers and weaknesses list

Fledgling vampire powers

As a fledgling, you’ll be able to do things like transform into a bat, detect personality, and cast hallucination. You’ll also be eternally welcome and an occult student.

Here are all the fledgling powers:

Fledgling vampire weaknesses

Being a fledgling comes with three weaknesses: withered stomach, guilty drinker, and uncontrollable hissing.

Minor vampire powers

Once you reach the minor rank as a vampire, you’ll be able to use things like vampiric charm, vampiric strength, command, and garlic immunity. You’ll also be able to create a vampire, if you’re feeling particularly helpful.

Minor vampire weaknesses

Minor vampires suffer from having a sloppy drinker, and being thin-skinned.

Prime vampire powers

At the prime rank, you’ll be able to mesmerize, child of the moon, irresistible slumber, manipulate life spirit, and vampiric slumber.

Prime vampire weaknesses

You’ll need to take a weakness for being a prime vampire and that’s sleep of the undead. You’ll also find yourself fitfully sleeping.

Master vampire powers

Reaching the master vampire rank gives you the power dampened emotions, which can be good for keeping calm.

Master vampire weaknesses

Master vampires have a weakness for sleep of the undead, which can be detrimental to a Sim’s social life. They’ll also find it hard to sleep.

Grand master vampire powers

The grand master vampire rank is the final stage of a vampire’s life, so to speak. There are no powers to choose from this rank, but you can live forever as a grand master, so that’s a plus.

Grand master vampire weaknesses

The grand master vampire rank comes with a weakness, constant fatigue, which can make your Sim’s daily life quite tiresome.

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